Congratulations to Laren Laken for winning the Girl Scout Gold Award for 2020-2021! Her project was about our charity. We loved working with Lauren on her project and appreciated her numerous hours of service to our charity. We are so grateful! She also created a guide that we are using to start more nutrition clubs and school pantries. She is currently a Global Health Student at Georgetown University. We are so proud of her!
In her words:
Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient (June 2021). Earning the Gold Award involved a year's worth of planning and implementation, a minimum of 80 hours logged work, and a partnership with a local organization to address an issue within the community. Shortly after March 2020, I started volunteering in-person with the organization It's All About the Kids (IAATK), a nonprofit that bridges the weekend food insecurity gap for impoverished San Diego families. When I first started volunteering with IAATK, I realized that they were in need of volunteers, as COVID-19 caused a massive increase in the number of families relying on their services. In order to address this, I partnered with the co-founder and president of It's All About the Kids, Angela Brannon-Baptiste, to start a club at CCA to teach high school students about food insecurity and to help recruit volunteers for the organization. In addition, I created a guide to starting an IAATK club so that students at other schools would be able to educate their peers about nutrition and food insecurity in San Diego.